About Us

Your Development is
Our Concern

Goshen Finance PLC is a Microfinance institution that provides financial services such as credits and savings to the low and medium income households in Rwanda.


Years of service



Historical Background

Established on September 29, 2005, by a passionate group of 205 members from the Adventist Church, Goshen Finance PLC didn’t just start; it emerged with a purpose. The green light to operate provisionally came on April 6, 2006, courtesy of MINICOM, and the official stamp of approval from the Central Bank of Rwanda (BNR) followed on July 2, 2007, when Goshen secured its license for Savings and Lending activities.

Catering primarily to the dynamic trio of small and medium business owners, women, and youth cooperatives, Goshen offers a diverse array of financial solutions. Whether it’s business, personal, agriculture, mortgage, car, or social loans, Goshen has got you covered.

The name “Goshen” carries historical weight, drawing inspiration from a region in Egypt where the Israelites found refuge during times of famine. In Genesis 45:10 and Exodus 9:26, we learn that God not only cared for them but provided abundantly for their needs. Similarly, at Goshen Finance PLC, when clients walk through our doors, they aren’t just getting financial services—they’re getting everything they need, just like in the ancient land of Goshen.

Our Mission

Our Vision

To provide quality financial and non-financial services to small and medium businesses, promoting their socio-economic development.

The Leading Christian-based Microfinance Institution in the Region.


Our Values

Ignace Musangamfura

Ignace Musangamfura

Managing Director
Charles Ndahimana

Charles Ndahimana

Head of Operations
Felicien Nshimiyimana

Felicien Nshimiyimana

Head of Finance
Rachel Bakamurera

Rachel Bakamurera

Human Resources Manager

Board of Directors

Peter Nkubara


Edison Uhawenimana

Vice Chairman

Innocent Idi Kabanda


Raissa Concessa


Gerard Muziganyi


Mary Rucibiganbo


Emile Ngaboyisonga


Other Governing Bodies

  • General Assembly: This is a supreme organ of Goshen Finance PLC. It is composed by all shareholders.


  • Subcommittees of the Board:
    • Loan and Risk Management Committe
    • Strategic, Budget and Human Resources Committe
    • Audit Committee

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